Nicoli Gonnella - Silence Free Audiobook

Unbound Series
By Nicoli Gonnella

A heroic sacrifice has been made, and a powerful Primordial has fallen. But the real challenge has only just begun.

Felix's daring move to stop the Unending Maw's destruction has led to an unexpected twist: instead of meeting his demise, he and his loyal Companion Pit have been transported to the treacherous Void, a realm even more ominous than the Foglands. The Maw's dark presence still lingers, inexplicably bound to Felix in a way that fills them all with dread and confusion.

As they navigate the desolate, dark expanse of the Void, Felix, Pit, and the Maw must confront the unforgiving voidbeasts, ruthless marauders, and the Maw's insidious influence. To survive, Felix will need to summon every ounce of strength, cunning, and determination he possesses – and more.

In this perilous journey, every decision will have far-reaching consequences, shaping the fate of Felix and his companions in unpredictable ways.

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